Friday, April 6

Friday's Letters


Dear Hair - I'm so glad you've finally been trimmed. You definitely needed it!

Dear Emily - I'm so glad I met you! You are so sweet & your blog is adorable :)

Dear Weather - I'm glad you've decided to be sunny today but I would like for you to warm up just a little.

Dear Boyfriend - I'm sorry your dirt bikes aren't working :( I wish I had magical powers to make them fix themselves!

Dear Easter Bunny - please bring me a new Vera Bradley. I would greatly appreciate it ;)



Anonymous said...

your hair looks so cute! :)

Jessica said...

too sweet!! & your hair looks beautiful!!

afraley226 said...

I love that the Vera Bradley Easter Bunny comes to see you, too:)

I gave you an award in my last blog post! I just wanted to let you know:)

I hope you have a great Easter!


Courtney B said...

You are SO pretty! Love your hair :)