Thursday, June 28

Take Me Back

Has there ever been a moment (or moments) in your life where you wish you could relive it over & over again?

I know I've had a lot of moments that I wish I could.

As much as I'm over high school, I do wish I could go back & relive those fun times with my friends.

Here are a few in particular.

my friend debbie & i loved these shoes!

the day we skipped school & went to the park

school projects with sara

office helper<3 we named the copier deb haha

hanging out in the auditorium while the underclassmen took their PSSAs
taking pictures instead of going to study hall

Sorry it's picture overload...

I was just doing a little reminiscing haha

What are your favorite memories?



Ivy said...

Oh my goodness your blog is so cute! Love it, new follower!!

Anonymous said...

I definitely know what you mean, I have such good memories with my friends and I :)