Last Friday, Anthony called me after work & asked if I wanted to go to Carol & Dave's for dinner.
It's a local restaurant with super good food.
Of course I said yes & drive over to his house.
When I get there, he tells me that his nana had a coupon for us to use.
So we go to this nana's house & it turns out the coupon isn't good on Fridays or Saturdays.
Bummer right? Wrong.
She so graciously gave us money instead but said we could still keep the coupon.
Isn't she the sweetest?
That isn't the best part though.
We get to the restaurant & sit at the bar because his aunt is a bartender there.
We order our food & talk to his aunt while we're waiting.
Little did we know that our night was going to get 10 times better.
At the other end of the bar was a little old man.
He called Anthony's aunt over & talked to her for awhile.
When she returns, she tells us that he wants to pay for our dinner.
How awesome is that?!
He seriously made our night.
Little old man, if you're reading this, thank you for being so wonderful :)
In other news, I have recently started watching the show
Married To Jonas.
aren't they the sweetest :) |
Well as I was watching the show, I took notice to Dani's style.
I honestly wish I could raid her closet.
She's always looks so cute & put together.
Of course, I can't find any pictures to show you.
I guess you'll just have to watch the show to find out for yourself ;)